Best Sentence #85
The massively multiplayer ornament is the aesthetic reflex of the collectivity to which ubiquitous computing aspires.
This blog is a cut-up of a dissertation in progress. Each day, I will post my favorite sentence that I have newly scribed. Everything out of context, but suggestive. I hope.
I'm a game designer, a games researcher, and a future forecaster. I make games that give a damn. I study how games change lives. I spend a lot of my time figuring out how the games we play today shape our real-world future. And so I'm trying to make sure that a game developer wins a Nobel Prize by the year 2032. Learn more here in my bio or get my contact information on my contact page.
Hi MachSirius! Actually, yes, you're right, this sentence is intentionally elusive. :) I posted this particular sentence because I knew it would seem oddly worded out of context. In fact, it is structured precisely after a famous sentence by film theorist Kracauer, who coined the term "mass ornament". He wrote: "The mass ornament is the aesthetic reflex of the rationality to which the system of capitalist reproduction aspires." Readers who have experience in the area about which I am writing are likely to recognize this sentence as the tribute it is. To others, it may seem slightly awkward or intentionally obtuse. That's very good! It is intended as a playful reminder to those readers who have been seeking to change this blog into something it's not. Its purpose is not to elucidiat or entertain or educate with sentences anyone can wander over and immediately grok. It's a surrealist cut-up of an academic disseration and as such works at a more unconscious level. :)
I fail to comprehend, but I shall try again.
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