Best Sentence #77
Instead of a sentence today, I'll post the title of my new Chapter 6. I'm still finishing Chapter 5, but I realized 20+ pages of what I thought belonged in Chapter 5 actually needs to be pushed. So I opened up a new file and named it!
Dangerous Mimesis:
Simulation and Dissimulation in Ubiquitous Games
The link to Avant Game does not work.
I like reading quotes, a page I have found to my liking is
the strong words section over at
Facinating Kudos to you for such an unusual (in my little world) path.
This sentence ties into how I feel about culture today. My beau and I went dancing a month ago. We are children of the late eighties/early nineties. What this means in a "clubbing" paradigm is that, when we were out dancing and drinking then, people actually made fools of themselves; laughed, started coversations with strangers--strangers who didn't look or act like them, even! What we experienced last month felt like we were in the Matrix, and everyone else was either two-dimensional, inside an Abercrombie and Fitch ad, or, paradoxically, icy-sexually alert. As if they are posing and waiting for some paparazzi to take their picture?? Maybe they are just really, really hungry?? Really bad vibe: hostile, angry, hollow...
So, your sentence made me think about cultural symbols and systems, which are totally artificial--not just like "Look how fake they are!" but, artificial as in a facade, a farse: a house of toothpicks. You get my direction, I hope.
The way you structured sentence #77 is very stimulating- thank you for giving me a granola bar sentence instead of the average rice cake sentences so prevalent these days.
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