Best Sentence #36
aaaaaaaaaa if i never type the word ubiquitous again it will be too soon. It's not even that I think this is really the best sentence of the day. They all just sound alike now. ubiquitous blah blah blah game blah blah computing blah blah I can't wait to finish this chapter.
Also, I have been making revision notes to myself in my Outlook "Tasks" folder. Today I added the following task, which I think is pretty revealing of my state of mind:
"Soften hysterical tone of Ubicomp chapter"
Here, the title becomes an entreaty, urging computer scientists and software developers to harness games’ momentum for the benefit of ubiquitous computing.
Also, I have been making revision notes to myself in my Outlook "Tasks" folder. Today I added the following task, which I think is pretty revealing of my state of mind:
"Soften hysterical tone of Ubicomp chapter"
Here, the title becomes an entreaty, urging computer scientists and software developers to harness games’ momentum for the benefit of ubiquitous computing.
Tip: use the "auto-correct" feature in Word (or parallel in other text processors) to save keystrokes on ubiquitous (ubq) words.
I write a lot about institutions and government and the environment, but I now only have to type "insts" "govt" or "env." Saves time and sanity.
I love that idea! Thanks. What a finger saver.
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